Environment and climate change - our impact on the environment

Centaur is exploring climate-related opportunities which allow the Group to support the transition to a net zero economy including, for example: 

  • continuing to focus on its digital strategy, in recognition of the role that digital technologies can play in helping to mitigate climate change;
  • reflecting upon its approach to major in-person events and awards ceremonies with a view to developing a sustainable events policy that aims to ensure that such events align with Centaur’s sustainability considerations; and 
  • conducting research on how to use Centaur’s events and content as platforms to raise awareness of and promote the importance of reducing carbon emissions and the impact of climate change.

We are also reviewing opportunities to use high-quality carbon offsets to reach carbon neutrality. To help mitigate the impact of our GHG emissions, in 2021 DICE launched a scheme investing in a new carbon capture project to help mitigate the impact of our emissions through carbon offsetting, with the United Nations (Eastbourne) Mvule tri-species tree project in Uganda. Centaur’s contribution to this project is estimated to capture up to 2,500 CO2/t per annum over the first ten years, although lower offset levels are achieved in its initial years.

Centaur has taken action to reduce its emissions in the following ways: 

  • relocation from 1 January 2023 to a smaller WeWork office space, which has significantly reduced our Scope 2 emissions;
  • continued support of the electric vehicle scheme and cycle to work schemes; and 
  • staff initiatives to encourage good environmental practices. 

Further, in relation to Centaur’s office space in WeWork, we are achieving an indirect reduction of our emissions from the environmental practices and targets that WeWork has set itself:

  • Renewable electricity – based in one of WeWork’s global locations that is sourced by 100% renewable electricity; and
  • Sustainable, efficient operations – reducing energy and water use and reducing annual waste.

For a full review of our environmental disclosures refer to the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) report on pages 27 - 35 of our 2023 Annual Report here.


We continue to measure our carbon footprint by monitoring our energy usage and we are pleased to confirm that we are compliant with the EU Energy Efficiency Directive ‘Energy Saving Opportunity Scheme’ (‘ESOS’).

Our greenhouse gas ('GHG') emissions from Scope 1, 2 and 3 are set out below. Our reporting on energy use and GHG emissions is in line with the Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (‘SECR’) legislation.

Global carbon footprint assessment 


of CO2e


of CO2e


of CO2e (Baseline) 

Emissions from:      
Scope 2 - indirect emissions (location-based) 13 40 46
Scope 2 - indirect emissions (market-based) 6 13 17

Intensity ratios - Scope 2 (market-based):

Tonnes of CO2 per employee 0.02 0.05 0.06
Tonnes of CO2 per £m revenue  0.15 0.31 0.43
Scope 3 - other indirect emissions (market-based) 2,335 2,193 2,062
Total Scope 2 and 3 (market-based) 2,341 2,206 2,079
Intensity ratios - Scope 2 and 3 (market-based):      
Tonnes of CO2 per employee 9 8 8
Tonnes of CO2 per £m revenue 60 53 53
  2023 2022 2021
Total UK and global energy consumption (kWh) 261,019 697,478 684,790


Refer to our reporting on energy use and GHG emissions on page 34 of our 2023 Annual Report here.

Our CSR and Environmental Policy is here